Roos News

Maroochydore Roos AGM 2021


Our Committee for 2022 as elected at the 2021 AGM are:

Brad Saunders - President

Steve Pata - Vice President

Maree Drew - Treasurer

Lisa Daldy - Secretary

General Commitee: Graham Scott, Tracey Jones, Mitch Bird, Sam Nelson, Kellie Loe, Marybeth Banks

Like to have a say in how our Club is run? Feel you have something to contribute? Enjoy volunteering? We would love to hear from you!

We meet once a month for a couple of hours and you will be expected to take on specific responsibilities as a member of the Roos Committee. There are many varied areas such as sponsorship, events, apparel, equipment, meals, registrations, website management, etc.

For more information 0409 862 403